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Professional Negligence Claims
As a client or a customer, you have the right to expect that any service or advice you pay for meets a reasonable standard. Unfortunately, this does not always occur.
Where there are failings in the service or advice a professional provides, this can have a significant negative impact on your life and financial situation and it can be difficult to know where to turn for help.
At Maurice Leahy Wade, we have experienced solicitors who specialise in investigating and advising on cases of professional negligence. Where a professional has failed in their duty to you as a client or customer, we can provide fair and impartial advice in plain English to help you clearly understand your rights and legal options.
Professional Negligence Claims
As a client or a customer, you have the right to expect that any service or advice you pay for meets a reasonable standard. Unfortunately, this does not always occur.
Where there are failings in the service or advice a professional provides, this can have a significant negative impact on your life and financial situation and it can be difficult to know where to turn for help.
At Maurice Leahy Wade, we have experienced solicitors who specialise in investigating and advising on cases of professional negligence. Where a professional has failed in their duty to you as a client or customer, we can provide fair and impartial advice in plain English to help you clearly understand your rights and legal options.


Types of Professional negligence claims:


 Professional negligence claims against Financial Advisors, bank and insurance brokers

Financial intermediaries have a duty to ensure that financial products are properly constructed and sold to the appropriate client in the appropriate manner. Where an intermediary fails in that duty in a way that has a negative impact on your financial interests, you may have grounds for a professional negligence claim.

If you believe that you have been miss-sold a financial product, please contact us.

 Professional negligence claims against engineers, architects and surveyors

In many building cases, either defective design or construction can lead to a right of action by an owner against the professional team that provided the building.

All professionals should carry appropriate indemnity insurance for errors made by them in the course of their profession. If you believe that your property has been inappropriately designed or constructed, you may have a right of action against one or more of the professional team involved in providing the building.

For more information on the advice we provide in this area, please contact us at 01 8406505 or email reception@leahywade.ie.

 Professional negligence claims against accountants

Like all professionals, accountants have a duty of care for their clients and others who may have cause to rely upon their professional work.

A breach of this duty of care might take the form of a failure to properly complete annual accounts or to provide other services requested of them by their clients in a timely and appropriate manner. In such cases, you may have grounds for a professional negligence claims against your accountants.

If you have any queries regarding the professional competence of your accountant, please contact us at 01 8406505 or email lexleahy@leahywade.ie.

 Professional negligence claims against auctioneers

Auctioneers and valuers are often charged with providing valuations for buildings for both private clients and institutions such as banks. An inappropriate valuation can create a loss and this may be actionable against the auctioneers.

If you feel that you have suffered a loss as a result of an inappropriate valuation, please  contact us at 01 8406505 or email lexleahy@leahywade.ie.

 Professional negligence claims against solicitors

Solicitors are required to meet very high standards with the legal advice we provide. If you believe you have received substandard legal advice from another solicitor and this has harmed your interests, you may have grounds for a claim.

To find out more about pursuing a professional negligence claim against a solicitor, please contact us at 01 8406505 or email reception@leahywade.ie

 Our fees for professional negligence claims

The fees involved in pursuing a professional negligence claim will be determined by the complexity of the work involved.

We will be happy to advise you at the outset of our relevant hourly rates and any other costs, such as court fees, that you may be likely to incur in the course of dealing with your claim.



Tell our Professional Negligence team about your case today. At Maurice Leahy Wade Solicitors we strive to make law accessible to all.

You can reach us by phone on 01 840 6505 or email 

If you rather we call you, please do feel free to tell us about your case by leaving your details along with a message outlining your query on the form below and we can call you back.  With 30 years’ experience as specialist professional negligence solicitors *, Maurice Leahy Wade Solicitors, ensure not to overwhelm you with legal jargon and can provide you with legal advice and guidance with your best interest at heart, in a language that you can understand.

Medical Negligence
Specialised Medical Negligence Solicitors
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An overview of legal services available at Leahy Wade Solictiors.
Medical Negligence
Specialised Medical Negligence Solicitors
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An overview of legal services available at Leahy Wade Solictiors.