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What we do
We act in the areas of Divorce, Separation, Maintenance Application, Custody / Access / Guardianship and Barring Orders Litigation Solicitor Swords Fingal North Dublin

The breakdown of any relationship can be a devastating experience – a painful time for everyone involved. People find themselves in practical as well as emotional difficulties, and this is where we can offer expert help and advice.
Guide to Separation & Divorce
What we do
We act in the areas of Divorce, Separation, Maintenance Application, Custody / Access / Guardianship and Barring Orders Litigation Solicitor Swords Fingal North Dublin

The breakdown of any relationship can be a devastating experience – a painful time for everyone involved. People find themselves in practical as well as emotional difficulties, and this is where we can offer expert help and advice.
Guide to Separation & Divorce


At Maurice Leahy Wade & Co, we have a sympathetic yet positive approach to a wide spectrum of matrimonial and family problems including separation and divorce, matters concerning children, domestic violence, and money problems.

Nothing is more important than the security and wellbeing of your family; when things go wrong, it can be traumatic. You need help and support from all around you, and your solicitor is there right from the start to help you work out how best to protect yourself, the people that matter to you, and what belongs to you.

No two families are the same. For some, the decision to split is amicable and things can be resolved fairly and reasonably.

For some families, a trained mediator can help iron out problems, and your solicitor can advise you on these proposals and put everything in black and white.

Our legal services address:
Divorce, domestic violence, marriage breakdown, nullity, separation, child abduction, childcare, custody, guardianship, visitation rights and paternity disputes, maintenance, financial, property, life policy and pension adjustment orders.

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