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What we do
We represent employers and employees in the areas of Unfair Dismissal, Bullying, Stress in the Workplace and compliance with Employment Legislation.

The law in relation to employment has changed dramatically in the last number of years when Ireland’s membership of the European Union gave rise to additional employee rights and employer obligations. We have the necessary experience and knowledge to advise our clients in relation to employment issues from both an Employer and Employee perspective. We represent clients before the Workplace Relations Commission, Labour Court and the Civil Courts.
Redundancy FAQ's
What we do
We represent employers and employees in the areas of Unfair Dismissal, Bullying, Stress in the Workplace and compliance with Employment Legislation.

The law in relation to employment has changed dramatically in the last number of years when Ireland’s membership of the European Union gave rise to additional employee rights and employer obligations. We have the necessary experience and knowledge to advise our clients in relation to employment issues from both an Employer and Employee perspective. We represent clients before the Workplace Relations Commission, Labour Court and the Civil Courts.
Redundancy FAQ's


Employment law issues which arise and where we provide advice include:

  • Sick Pay

Different employers have differing policies regarding sick pay and it can be quite a contentious issue.  The government are currently changing Depending on the size of the company 

  • Termination / Compromise / Severance Agreement
  • Minimum Notice
  • Maternity Leave
  • Data Protection
  • Health and Safety in the Workplace
  • Organisation of Working Time
  • Discrimination
  • Injunctions

We have also represented clients before their professional bodies to include Fitness to Practice Committees in the Nursing Midwifery Board of Ireland and Medical Council of Ireland.

  • Work-related Stress Issues
  • Avoiding and Managing Risk
  • Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures
  • Bullying and Harassment at Work
  • Confidentiality Agreements
  • Unfair Dismissals
  • Redundancy Issues
  • Employment Contracts
  • Employment Handbooks
  • Equal Employment Opportunities
  • Human Resource Procedures
  • Independent Contractor Agreements
  • Reviewing Employment Policies
  • Statutory Obligations
  • Termination of Employment Contracts
  • Transfer of Undertaking
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